Santosh Kumar Mohanty, who worked with Sebi for eight-years between 2015 to 2023 and retired as a whole-time member (WTM) just a few months ago, may not give up his association with the regulator completely. He is likely to be appointed to an important Sebi committee, sources said.
Mohanty served as a WTM for two terms and even as ED earlier. Now he is likely to be made the head of a Sebi committee on listing and disclosure norms, sources said. Not just Sebi, Mohanty is also in demand at the International Financial Service Center Authority (IFSCA), the regulator for Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT). The IFSC is also likely to include him in a committee, sources said.
Apart from Mohanty, G Mahalingam is another WTM who retired in 2021 but returned to chair SEBI's Secondary Market Advisory Committee. Then, there are S Ravindran and MS Sahoo. Ravindran, who retired as SEBI ED this year, is now made the head of the regulator's Intermediary Advisory Committee to advise on changes in legal framework and increasing transparency in the functioning of stock exchanges, depository participants, clearing corporations. Ravindran is also an independent director on the board of NSE.
Sahoo was the former SEBI WTM under then chairman CB Bhave and went on to become the chief of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. Now, he chair's SEBI Market Data Advisory Committee.
Former SEBI ED JN Gupta is another favourite due to his calm demeanor. Gupta, who founded proxy advisory firm SES after leaving the regulator, has been associated with various committees of SEBI over the past decade.
Contributed By PS.