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Dispelling The Myth Of Powerlessness

‘You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.’ Marcus Aurelius

I am fairly certain that each of us at some point in our lives, and frankly, often daily, feel that we do not have control – that we are powerlessness in any given situation or with a specific person/s. Isn’t it true that this sense of not having “control” invades so many aspects of our lives from health, love, change, decisions both personal or at work, and even our own happiness? 

It is time to take a deep, long, hard look at this lack of control and bring truth and light upon this myth. It is time to step back into our innate power.  

First, let us examine for a minute the difference between control and power. As I traversed the internet for definitions of each, “knowing” that there is an inherent, though subtle difference between the two, all I kept stumbling across is that both are often used interchangeably, as synonyms.  So, let me provide my opinion.  

Both control and power, if used to exert force to change that OUTSIDE ourselves, will eventually result in a sense of lack of control, frustration, helplessness, and even a sense of impossibility. That is right. Have we not all felt this permeate our being when we have worked so hard to convince or change someone or something and it just feels like a hopeless cause?  

Pay close attention here. When power or control is used to change something within yourself, there is a sense of empowerment because it is here where we truly can affect change and where we truly hold the control to make a difference not only within ourselves, but in the situations and in the world around us.  You can trust me that this works, or better yet, experience it first hand and sit in amazement.

Reflect back for a moment on situations where you felt a lack of control or power. Whether you are an employee who felt that with a co-worker or manager, a manager who felt this with your employees or your boss, a CEO who experienced this with the President of the company or Board of Directors, or a founder up against the company’s investors, mostly everyone has experienced the frustration and helplessness of feeling powerless. This never feels good and this never serves anyone well.  

So, the question arises, what power or control do we really have? Let me truly help you to reclaim what has been gifted to each of us from the beginning of time. Take a moment to immerse in the real power and control that we have. 

It is the control and power in every moment to choose our own thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and actions. We are never powerless when we can remember the greatest power we do have – the power to choose how we show up, how we feel about something, how we communicate our thoughts, and what aligned actions we are willing to take.  

For example, the choice to share what is in our mind or in our heart whether with an employee, CEO, an investor, or even a loved one, keeps us in our power. Our greatest power is not to change someone or “control” them, but to share what we are here to share by choosing our thoughts, emotions, and actions in accordance with what lies within us.

Let go of the “control” of changing others and just begin living in your inherent power to change yourself and live and act accordingly. You must trust that by returning to this truth, that the Universe will conspire on your behalf. It is here where you remember that you are in control. It is here where you remember how powerful you really are.

Below are a few tips for living in your power:

  • The power to choose your thoughts:
    • My opinion matters so my job is to share it and let go of whether or not they accept it.
    • I am happy despite that which is outside of me.
  • The power to choose your aligned actions:
    • Speak up versus remaining stifled.
    • Change direction instead of remaining stuck.
    • Create options rather than obstacles.
  • The power to choose your emotions:
    • Contentment instead of dissatisfaction
    • Gratitude over negativity
    • Peace to replace overwhelm

May you practice step by step, the gift of exercising your power to choose your thoughts, emotions and actions so that you may remember that you do have control – the control to affect change from the inside out – one of the greatest powers that exists in the universe, and it magically lies within you.


Shenal Arimilli

Guest Author The author is BA, MPT, Bio-energetic Consultant and transformational coach

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